Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No Shortcuts to the Top

I recently finished reading the aforementioned book by Ed Viesturs, the first American to summit all fourteen 8,000 meter peaks. His feat is even more impressive when you consider that he did so without using supplemental oxygen. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in motivation, climbing, and patience. Since I'm very interested in two out of three, this proved to be a great read. What struck me most was the measured and careful way in which Ed climbed. Upon discovering that conditions were simply too dangerous to continue climbing, Ed repeatedly turned around to await a safer opportunity, often doing so less than 400 feet from the summit. Unlike so many climbers who have pushed themselves way too far, allowed themselves to get started late, or failed to put in the hard work training, Ed time and again refuses to make these completely avoidable missteps. Everyone loves a good adventure story and climbers such as Reinhold Messner, Maurice Herzog, and Herman Buhl deliver exactly these but these are climbers who have pushed themselves well beyond any acceptable risk threshold and as a result, it's hard for me to relate. As Viesturs penned frequently in 'No Shortcuts,' "Getting to the top is optional; getting down is mandatory." In my next post I'll be compiling a list of Climbing dos and don'ts but for now, suffice to say that I have a new hero.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Putting the Meh in Melo

February is a very boring month for sports. Football is over, it's not yet time for March Madness, and the NBA is in the middle of yet another interminably long, meaningless regular season. Honestly February is probably why the SI Swimsuit Edition was created.

So former Nuggets Forward Carmelo Anthony is headed to New York City. In return, Denver gets about 37 role players and some draft picks. I'm having trouble caring. Carmelo seems like a nice guy and he certainly put in his time here but he's not a leader. Over the past few years, The Nuggets have acted like children, being selfish with the ball, squabbling, tweeting inappropriate things, not playing defense, and generally playing the game the way they want to play it, not the way teams need to play to win championships.

When I watch sports I want to be inspired. I want to see people face adversity and triumph. I want to see players excel because they put in hard work. Carmelo Anthony never put in hard work and he rarely excelled. Sure he's had plenty of nice games. But when was the last time you saw Melo dive on the floor for a loose ball?

Melo doesn't inspire. He's got a pretty shot and it can be fun to watch him take people off the dribble and make them look slow but he's not much of a team player and he didn't really make anyone around him better. Have fun in New York, Melo. Or should I say Meh lo.

Friday, February 18, 2011

RIP Sam Taylor

 Sam Taylor (farthest from left) flexing some muscle 2009

I was saddened to read this afternoon in the Boulder Daily Camera of Samantha Taylor's passing. I met Sam when she joined the Colorado swing dance scene about three years ago. We spent a season at the University of Colorado preparing for the 2009 Intercollegiate Swing Battle, in which the team ended up taking 2nd Place. Vivacious and talented, Sam was a quick study and a natural at aerials. I didn't know her well but in the short time I spent dancing alongside her, she brightened my life. Sam, you'll be missed.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Open Letter to


I love your company and have purchased several awesome deals. My girlfriend has purchased even more of them. I was appalled however, after viewing your Super Bowl ad mocking the situation in Tibet. I was then outraged several days later when I saw another of your ads, this one poking fun at endangered whales. Neither of these things are funny in any way. "Oh... the situation in Tibet is horrible! But don't worry, Groupon let's me get tasty curry?" That's textbook offensive.

Your company does well because people like my girlfriend and I read your emails and then buy those products or services. I can't speak for her but I promise I will not be opening your emails or buying any groupons for as many months as I see offensive ads. So far we're at two. I will however be checking out your competitors. See you in mid April, unless you prefer to promote your company by making fun of AIDS or something equally "funny."

Truman Bradley

Saturday, February 05, 2011

A Sharpe Bust in Canton


The only time the name Shannon Sharpe and the word bust will be uttered in the same sentence is in reference to his place today and forevermore in the National Football League's Hall of Fame.* Sharpe is probably best known for his trash talking but it should be noted that this three time Super Bowl winner revolutionized the tight end position. Players such as Dallas Clark and Antonio Gates have a lot to thank Shannon for. Congratulations Shannon; I can't wait to hear your speech.

Readers of this blog may remember that I was upset that Sharpe was not elected at his first opportunity in 2009.